73b Ferrari Racing Car

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73b Ferrari Racing Car

Post by Idris »

The NAMC’s “Catalog of all Series Matchbox Models” (first edition) distinguishes two distinct paint shades:red and very dark red, the latter associated with the white driver, whilst the AIM “1-75 Series Regular Wheels” catalogue (second printing, 1983) merely notes that the body is subject to light and dark colours. Neither listing includes variations not already covered by Nick ,and neither does either Houghton’s “Definitive Guide to Matchbox Toys” (2007) or Stannard.
U.K. Matchbox did not examine the model.
I remember a discussion over on MCCH about the shark nose. I think it was all to do with whether the baseplate inside the nose (is there a cast radiator in there?) had been painted or not (c.f. 25b engine). Can anyone remember the details of what was discussed and any conclusions arrived at?
Nick mentions two decal variants not referenced elsewhere: racing no. 52 instead of no. 73, and additional Ferrari badges. I have never seen either of these in spite of looking for them for some considerable time. Can anyone provide a photo?
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Re: 73b

Post by nickjones »

If I remember correctly the 52 decal was in a vectis sale, the one with 2 additional ferrari badges next to the racing number was sold on ebay several years ago.
Nick Jones.
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Re: 73b

Post by ChFalkensteiner »

Vectis picture:


As usual I am unable to confirm if this is genuine or not.
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Re: 73b

Post by Idris »

I have to say that I find that ‘52’ decal somewhat unconvincing. If I saw it on a 52a, I would assume that it was a bad reproduction.
However, having said that, it does seem very odd that, out of all the racing cars, the 73b is the only one which does not (regularly) occur with alternative racing numbers. This must, at least in part, be due to the fact that the decals used are not roundels as they are on the other racers but, even so, since Lesney successfully managed to run out of “19”, “41” and “52” on several occasions, how were they able to guarantee the stocks of ”73” throughout the model’s production life?
It all seems a bit unlikely somehow.
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Re: 73b

Post by yellowfoden »

Idris wrote:I remember a discussion over on MCCH about the shark nose. I think it was all to do with whether the baseplate inside the nose (is there a cast radiator in there?) had been painted or not (c.f. 25b engine). Can anyone remember the details of what was discussed and any conclusions arrived at?

Hello Idris,

I was not across any discussion as above, so I hope this may be what you were seeking.

The 73b radiator with the grey driver has a nice even coat of black paint while the one with the white driver has just has a small section.

The detailed nose image of the two together clearly shows the unpainted inside base plate and radiator on one model and the single shot is to show a proud ejector ring. The ejector ring on the unpainted (white driver model) is very flat.

My thoughts are that the spray direction has meant the front of ejector ring copped spray and behind at the bottom of the radiator a small bare patch is noticeable. The inside base plate has no paint

On my original play worn model the amount varies again. I am not sure what conclusions were drawn before but I think the some radiators may have just been the lucky recipients of some extra rust proofing as the opposite side of the base plate was being painted.

It would be interesting to know though if others exist or if it is just an unintentional variation.
3. 73b painted radiator left. Unpainted on right.JPG
3. 73b painted radiator left. Unpainted on right.JPG (94.78 KiB) Viewed 2155 times
2. 73b painted and unpainted radiators..JPG
2. 73b painted and unpainted radiators..JPG (36.17 KiB) Viewed 2155 times
1. 73b painted radiator showing spray direction.JPG
1. 73b painted radiator showing spray direction.JPG (31.45 KiB) Viewed 2155 times
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Re: 73b Ferrari Racing Car

Post by nickjones »

This page has been updated, The black or unpainted grille has been mentioned in the text and the shades of red have been added to one of the picture captions, I did not think it would be of any real benefit to add either one to the variation table so the variation table remains unchanged.
Nick Jones.
In sunny Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, UK