Dr Jazz wrote:Tanker Arrived yesterday Thanks for the tip Alex.
Soon A nice line up will come online
I hope it's as good as it looked in the listing.
Get a move on with that Tanker line up!!
Dr Jazz wrote:Tanker Arrived yesterday Thanks for the tip Alex.
Soon A nice line up will come online
Oh hear we go, a so called model enthusiast, putting up little barriers so he does not have to show us his models...Dr Jazz wrote:Haha sorry
I have 40 birthday on monday and are having some guest over also i have been promoted to project manager on a bigger tunnel project here in Copenhagen but I will soon be ready
Looks like the beers are on Jazz! Everyone over to Copenhagen!Dr Jazz wrote:I have 40 birthday on monday and are having some guest over also i have been promoted to project manager on a bigger tunnel project here in Copenhagen
Happy Birthday for Monday Jazz! but only 100 litres of beer?Dr Jazz wrote:I just got a draft Beer intalation deliverd 100 liter beer..... mmmmmm
Wonder if my wife will be like Gregs wife and get me a tan morris?? or a NAMC tanker or a 32 Aral with white grill OR ......