TEKNO Mustang 833 and 834 question

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TEKNO Mustang 833 and 834 question

Post by bobneumann »

I have some 1/42 Tekno Mustangs and some boxes. All of the models say "833" on the baseplate. But the boxes say either 833 or 834. What are the differences between these two numbers regarding these models. There does not seem to be a correlation between hardtop and convertible, judging from the internet searches I have done as well as the ratio between 834 and 833 boxes I have with respect to quantity of convertibles. So is there another thing to look for? Or does it really not matter? Thanks in advance.
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Re: TEKNO Mustang 833 and 834 question

Post by SMS88 »

Yes there is, a rally Mustang with jewelled headlamps and a police version, both white with black doors,hood and trunk.Tekno Mustangs also were made with (early) or without (final issues) quarterlight windows on doors.Came in about half a dozen different colours,late issues in metallic gold or metallic blue particularly nice!
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Re: TEKNO Mustang 833 and 834 question

Post by karl »

833 - open
834 - hardtop
834R - Rallye hardtop

POLICE was also 834 as it was a hardtop, but it might have been assembled from the famous, left-over parts from the factory closure in 1972. What do yo think, SMS?
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Re: TEKNO Mustang 833 and 834 question

Post by SMS88 »

Police Mustang certainly is uncommon, I dont know if handful I have seen are all late issues WITHOUT door quarterlights or bitsa customs or not but they dont have rally car grilles even if they do share the rally car doors , trunk and hood!