New variation SF19 F1 Lotus

British made Matchbox Superfast 1969-83
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Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus

Post by SMS88 »

Idris wrote:
SMS88 wrote:This would most likely be a trade name for safety paint colour rather than for public consumption.
You've lost me.
If "Yum Yum Yellow" was a trade name for a safety paint colour, why weren't these SF 19d painted with that safety paint rather than a two-coat system?
Safety paints WERE candy coats over white primer back in the 1960s and early 1970s. RAF trainer aircraft of the day often showed patches of white where the dayglo candy coat had worn off primer
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Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus

Post by Idris »

.....hence your comment about the customer donating the paint to Lesney.
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Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus


Only on two wheels can the mould numbers bee seen. The first model in the Auction picture (from left to right), has 'B45', the other number seems to be '21', but we can not see the letter.

1st model wheel number=B45.JPG
1st model wheel number=B45.JPG (90.42 KiB) Viewed 1229 times
WHEEL MOLD NUMBER=21!.JPG (115.78 KiB) Viewed 1229 times
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Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus

Post by Idris »

Mick and I seemed to have monopolised this topic of late.
It would be good to read what other forum members think about this variation.
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Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus


My feelings on this model are...

1. The colour of the model is based on a colour that Sharks are supposedly attracted to, however, Sharks have poor vision and pretty close to being colour blind!
2. On seeing the model in that bright yellow colour, someone has stated..."Yum Yum, that looks nice, especially to a Shark"...taking the model away from a food company or product and aiming it towards a shop selling underwater safety equipment.
3. The idea of linking Sharks (that can be dangerous when provoked), to a model car (usually owned by Children), was not a good idea after all and the promotion was pulled.

I personally don't think this model was designed as a food promotion model, because the sticker just does not say enough, certainly not promoting a product, more a saying, linked to the colour. Would we be coming up with the same conclusions if the model was bright green with the same Yum Yum sticker?

I could see the model being used for selling sweets, because they go with Children quite easily, but still don't like the Shark connection, now maybe the Shark connection is simply because we have been made aware of the colour in relation to Sharks from the earlier posted link, but maybe this is a lucky (or unlucky!), coincidence and the model in that bright yellow colour was not, is not and was never intended to be connected to Sharks or safety equipment!

'Yum Yum yellow' only exists because of the Shark connection, the term did not exist before Shark attack reports, 'Yum Yum' on its own is a sensation of taste expectation..."Yum Yum, they look tasty".

This is my view so far.

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Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus

Post by zBret »

Just came across this listing for a 14d pre-pro, by Harvey's ... 0951551532
It appears to have the same yellow color as the 19d. If so, this could possibly confirm, that the painting was done "in house", at Lesney.
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Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus

Post by Idris »

zBret wrote:Just came across this listing for a 14d pre-pro, by Harvey's ... 0951551532
It appears to have the same yellow color as the 19d. If so, this could possibly confirm, that the painting was done "in house", at Lesney.
I'm not sure this is the same paint. If I understand Mick correctly, there should be a white(?) undercoat, but I can't see any obvious evidence of a second colour at and around the chips.
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Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus

Post by motorman »

Sharks!!!!!!WTF This thread is losing all credibility very quickly. I think we are grasping at straws with this ludicrious explanation.

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Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus

Post by zBret »

I don't think sharks per se have anything to with this model. They were merely mentioned in reference to the the origin of term, "yum yum yellow" ( which seems to have come about at during the same time period, that this model was produced). As there is a correlation, between this particular color yellow and the words yum yum, I think then,that it may be plausible, that there may be a correlation, between the particular color that this model is painted and the yum yum labels that are attached to it.

Know one knows for sure, but it is certainly an interesting model and how it came to be, is certainly worthy of discussion. Perhaps one day more information will come to light. For example if one was found in a color other than yellow, well that would shoot down the " yum yum yellow" theory. but for now, I don't think it can be dismissed.

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Re: New variation SF19 F1 Lotus

Post by Idris »

zBret wrote:...which seems to have come about at during the same time period, that this model was produced...
I'm not sure that's true.
The model appears to have been produced in 1971 yet, as I've previously stated, the earliest reference to "Yum Yum Yellow" I can find is December 1973.