20 Pence Well Spent ?

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20 Pence Well Spent ?

Post by Ewan »

I was brought up to believe that before laughing at other people one must be able to laugh at one's self. As a consequence I have spent many years laughing at myself, mostly so I can enjoy laughing at others with a clear conscience.....
Here is my 'laugh at myself' contribution to the forum, and hopefully any of you who may have thought 'jammy git' or similar upon seeing my early dozer, or the joblot my mother found will sleep easier, knowing full well that I'm not really that lucky/talented much of the time :D

As mentioned in a previous post opportunities for purchasing vintage diecast in the Outer Hebrides are rather limited, but as my Paypal is reading empty ebay is out of the question for now. However, this week, something fantastic happened to me, right here on the Isle of Benbecula! I help out once a week or so in the local thrift shop, lugging heavy stuff around mostly, and I always take the opportunity to have a quick look around before I start. The toy box is a source of constant disappointment, for a whole year nothing but 'Made In China' tat. Not this week though :D for this week I pulled something out of the box with those wonderful words on the base 'Made In Great Britain'.

I just had to have it. Who knows why :roll: Extensive internet research has revealed that it is a Corgi no less, originally pulled behind a Mercedes unit. An ebay seller in the US even has it listed as 'htf' so I am confident that my children's inheritance is even bigger now than it was before - doubled in size at least! One day I am hopeful that I will find a match for the missing back door at a reasonable price. Sometimes it's nice to return to my natural level of collecting.
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Re: 20 Pence Well Spent ?

Post by MOKOSEX »

I haven,t seen that one ,well found!