big box of goodies.

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big box of goodies.

Post by ford_a_30 »

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Lots of unique to me wheel variations, and a couple of extras to sell on the board here. I now need a M9 bogie as well as one for the Pickfords 220 ton and an ice cream truck cab, so if you have any of those please PM me. The other Cooper-Jarret and 200 ton will be available for sale. The "no vent hole" refuse truck will be included in the for sale listings too, as I was lucky enough to get a mint one some time ago. About half are keepers, I'll get up some pictures of for sale ones soon.
IMG_20131002_212917.jpg (1 MiB) Viewed 1863 times
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Re: big box of goodies.

Post by ford_a_30 »

Why are my pictures so big? Do I need to resize prior to posting? And if so what is the best size? Also, anybody know where the little guy and trailer belong?
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Re: big box of goodies.


Big pictures from a big box of goodies, what's wrong with that........ :lol:

Hi there ford_a_30.

Open one of your pictures in 'PAINT', on the top line, move your cursor onto the 'image' title and scroll down to 'resize' click on this and in the two percentage boxes, type 30 and save it, close the programme and when you post that actual picture onto the forum, it will be much smaller.

I have a 'Edit your pictures' thread and a 'PHOTOGRAPHY' thread in the Lounge which will have subjects like this.

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Re: big box of goodies.

Post by ford_a_30 »

Ghost hunter,
What you are saying will only reduce my picture to 30% of its original size. That is not helpful because it assumes a size of the original picture prior to editing. My question was what pixel size would be best for loading/viewing. Also, when posting in the old forum pictures I posted would automaticially resize to a viewable size on the forum and then when clicked on would be viewable in another window in it's original size, which was much better for detail. resizing prior to posting would eliminate that option.
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Re: big box of goodies.


Hi ford_a 30,

O.K., you can try and resize a picture to contain 1000 x 600 Pixels, motorman has found this size to be O.K. for some of his pictures, but I don't know how big they are to start with, a 30-40% reduction of images in 'Paint' seems to be an average ideal size for some members.

A lot of trial and error will eventually give you a suitable size, so always make a copy of the picture to start with and play with the copy, if you make mistakes you still have your original.

The old Lefora platform clearly had some software that worked quite well regards posted images and yes, I liked the enlargement feature you mention, but sadly this new platform we are now using, seems not to have the same resizing software, built-in, so we are going to have to resize a lot of our images before we post them, only if you put your images onto a net based picture storage site like 'Photobucket' will you be able to bring back the image enlargement feature, that way you can post a small picture on the forum with a link to 'Photobucket' where your larger image will be sitting.


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Re: big box of goodies.

Post by motorman »

ford_a_30 wrote:Ghost hunter,
What you are saying will only reduce my picture to 30% of its original size. That is not helpful because it assumes a size of the original picture prior to editing. My question was what pixel size would be best for loading/viewing. Also, when posting in the old forum pictures I posted would automaticially resize to a viewable size on the forum and then when clicked on would be viewable in another window in it's original size, which was much better for detail. resizing prior to posting would eliminate that option.
Hi, Ford_a_30,

I reduce all my forum images using Paint to a maximum 600 pixels x 450 pixels and my images are now perfect for viewing on the forum. Cheers.

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Re: big box of goodies.


motorman wrote:
ford_a_30 wrote:Ghost hunter,
What you are saying will only reduce my picture to 30% of its original size. That is not helpful because it assumes a size of the original picture prior to editing. My question was what pixel size would be best for loading/viewing. Also, when posting in the old forum pictures I posted would automaticially resize to a viewable size on the forum and then when clicked on would be viewable in another window in it's original size, which was much better for detail. resizing prior to posting would eliminate that option.
Hi, Ford_a_30,

I reduce all my forum images using Paint to a maximum 600 pixels x 450 pixels and my images are now perfect for viewing on the forum. Cheers.
Hi motorman, what ford_a_30 wants is the feature that when you click on an image, it enlarges to it's full size, like the old Lefora site used to do.

Sorry motorman, somewhere I saw your size as 1000 x 600, are you on a diet............ ;)

All the best,

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Re: big box of goodies.

Post by motorman »

Sorry motorman, somewhere I saw your size as 1000 x 600, are you on a diet............ ;)

All the best,


I will have you know that i have a very athletic figure................and then i woke up!! :lol:

I have down sized again and 600 X 450 is perfect for me but as you pointed out, it does depend on the size of the original image.
Last edited by motorman on Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: big box of goodies.

Post by nickjones »

800 pixels wide is about the largest you can post, But the images are easily resizable for viewing,
Hold down the Ctrl button and scroll up or down to adjust the screen size.
Nick Jones.
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Re: big box of goodies.

Post by ford_a_30 »

Excellent answers from all, thanks. By the way, anybody look at the cars? Two 200ton trucks, two cooper-jarretts, and 2 early transporters, 1 of which has wheels that seem to be unlisted. Also, I got a no hole refuse truck, an open grill Jag, a tank with plastic rollers an all yellow crane, green window VW bug, and lots of other stuff I'm pretty happy about. Even the two beat up Radio Rentals trucks have their roll up doors, so good for parts. Sorry if it seems like I'm gloating but with most lots I find 1 or maybe 2 I can use. This time between a few upgrades and missing variations I will use almost 30.