kwakers wrote:A Very nice lineup Antonin, and very correct in timeline of trim practices. I enjoy being able to add variations after all these years, but I also understand that not all collectors have the same detailed interests as some of us veteran collectors. It is a pleasure though to be able to share our findings and facts here so that there can be some corrections and additions while we are still actively searching them out. Nick's listings will be the most accurate anywhere because of the fun we Forum members have as we share our favorite Lesneys here.......kwakers
I wonder if the collectors such as Nick who have started such a task in cataloguing the "Matchbox" product lines, ever considered a time when they thought their work would be complete. Taking on a task with any companies toys or models requires a lot of time and hard work, but when it comes to Lesney and the way they produced their lines and subjected many of those lines to constant improvements with re-tooling etc, is an even bigger task.
Since Nick's code listing was first created, it is clear there are still plenty of models being discovered that are not listed and as more collectors come forward with their findings and share them with us on such forums as this one, then even more models will have to be processed, verified and added to the listing.
The overall enjoyment of this forum's members in showing their finds and the enjoyment the resident experts experience towards most of these finds is great and can only benefit new collectors later-on when they join the forum.
Nick for all his hard work will obviously still have a lot of work in front of him, but while he still enjoys doing what he does towards our hobby with the forum and his code listing, he should be constantly thanked and I agree with "Kwakers" that the code listing is good at the moment, but I am sure it will be much better in the near future with the updates and hopefully the most accurate of its kind, looked upon as a serious reference work by others.