The Rolls-Royce Collection.

British made Matchbox Superfast 1969-83
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Re: The Rolls-Royce Collection.


Here are a few links to other Rolls-Royce threads...

#24c, Silver Shadow saloon...viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1170#p7402
#24c, Silver Shadow saloon for Japan...viewtopic.php?f=8&t=132#p793
#69c, Silver Shadow Drop-Top...viewtopic.php?f=8&t=358#p1850
Made in Hungary, Silver Shadow II...viewtopic.php?f=12&t=481#p2182
Made in China, Silver Shadow II...viewtopic.php?f=12&t=909#p4486
Made in Bulgaria, Silver Shadow saloon...viewtopic.php?f=12&t=83&start=10#p4369
Made in England, Silver Cloud II...viewtopic.php?f=12&t=921#p4565

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Re: The Rolls-Royce Collection.


I have just found one of my pictures on Christian Falkensteiner's website and it's of my Factory Error #39e, the one with oversized wheels, fitting so tight into the arches, the wheels barely turn!

Christian, if your reading this, you realise the front bumper and grille moulding on this model has lost it's 'Chrome' effect finish due to the model being stored in damp conditions and it should not be seen therefore, that the model had a black component from new, it didn't.

Christian's site.JPG
Christian's site.JPG (64.92 KiB) Viewed 1209 times
A factory error 39e.JPG
A factory error 39e.JPG (46.38 KiB) Viewed 1209 times
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Re: The Rolls-Royce Collection.


Here is a link to some more #39e Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow II models...


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Re: The Rolls-Royce Collection.

Post by radar »

Absolutely loved your collection of red Shadow saloons.
Im a real RW fan and bit dismissive of anything too late in the 60s. However I remember having both the red and blue corniche. How I wished when I grew up I would actually own a real one. In 1969 a Shadow in Oz cost $22 000 and a Holden cost $2200. The Holden is to be discontinued as all car manufactures here cease production - to import only. Now a Holden costs $30 000 and a new Rolls I think is $600 K to $900 K.

So, since 1970 a Roller is maybe twenty times the cost of a local car when it was "only" 10 times as much 44 years ago. $22 000 AUD now buys a neatly specced Focus or Corolla.

I have always harboured a desire for real one but I hear about HORRENDOUS maintenance costs. ie $5 000 for brakes and an engine rebuild more than a new Hyundai. I like a car to be a daily driver - even my MX 5 I park at the far end of the shopping centre where soccer mums in their SUVs are unlikely to park next to it. Mazda smaller than a Shadow so I guess a Rolls impractical for me!

Any way I love the imposing look - maybe I have to just amuse myself at Rolls Royce Club days. Like I enjoy my mate's yacht; "other people's".
I had one bad experience with my only Euro car - S Class. Despite one owner with Mercedes dealer history and low kms it sat in the driveway and conspired against me to see what would go wrong next. MY MGB DID THE SAME THING when it was only 18 years old. Heaven forbid now! Hence Mazda MX.

Probably just buy the 1-75 red saloon and blue cornice.
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Re: The Rolls-Royce Collection.

Post by radar »

Ah, Ghosty.

Thought I was in the Lounge - didn't realise I was in SF section.

Checked the web - disappointed to see blue Corniche only ever came out in RW. {May have to retrofit an early set of 24 C wheels to one)!

Or keep it in my RW cabinet as to how garish they became - after my green Minor and early Velox.

Anyway I saw a gold 69 one with white interior and fawn/light brown folded hood. Looked quite nice - but it is the blue I remember as a kid.
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Re: The Rolls-Royce Collection.


Hello Radar, your enthusiasm for Rolls-Royce is good and your postings are fine in this section, it is called...'Mick's Matchbox Superfast Chatroom' so chatting is what you have done, no problems.

Just to clarify, #24c Rolls-Royce 4 door saloon in red, had 'Regular Wheels' and later converted to 'Superfast' wheels.
the other car, #69c Rolls-Royce 2 door convertible in blue, gold or lime, only came with 'Superfast' Wheels.

On a technical note, you have posted the same message twice, just click on the 'EDIT' button towards the top right of your written message and click on the 'DELETE' button.

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Re: The Rolls-Royce Collection.


Many "Matchbox" collectors scoff at the mere mention of 'HOT WHEELS', but despite their apparent killing-off of Lesney's profits and the eventual prompting of virtually every other toy and model company to convert or introduce 'Low-Friction' wheels to their models, the company is permanently linked to "Matchbox". It was because of the slow running of the regular wheeled models that the designers at Mattel developed a fast-running toy car that eventually led to the 'HOT WHEELS' models being launched in 1967.

Many of those early Hot Wheels prototypes were based on actual "Matchbox" models used and played with by children of the works staff and directors of Mattel and we have already seen the "Matchbox" #24c being used by Mattel in their 1969 catalogue fitted with some 'Red-Line' wheels and "Ritchie" has recently shown us an actual prototype model with the same type of 'Red-Line' wheels.

So I thought I would put a link here in 'The Rolls-Royce Collection' for you to jump straight to it.

'HOT WHEELS-MATCHBOX' hybrid...viewtopic.php?f=17&t=2440&start=10#p22245

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Re: The Rolls-Royce Collection.

Post by ritchie »

GHOSTHUNTER wrote:This Silver Spirit has a very accurately applied label advertising 'SUNWAY ROLLER BLINDS' and they have cleverly linked the word 'ROLLERS' (their product), and 'ROLLER' (the car), together. Date of issue will likely be tied to when this version of the model was launched, in this case, 1988-89.

Haven't seen the Sunway Silver Spirit before. Were there other examples exist? Seem to suggest there're ones that the labels inaccurately applied? So it was a promotional gift that Sunway actually issued to its customers at the time? If so, is it save to assume the label was applied by Sunway or its agent, not done by matchbox factory (meaning a code 3), because for matchbox the words would have been printed onto the car? Or may be this was a preproduction trial from matchbox R&D which didn't get into production (ie. have the words printed onto a batch of models) for the reason may be didn't reach agreement with their client Sunway? Anyway, very interesting. Thanks for showing! And thanks for summarizing the rolls-royce threads here! R
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Re: The Rolls-Royce Collection.


Hello Ritchie, nice to hear from you. I can not really add anything to the 'Sunway' Silver Spirit, they have a website that has sections 'Under Construction' but no historical information like their History, I was thinking the model was issued to celebrate a centenary or something. I do know the company make their 'Roller Blinds' to order as a 'Bespoke' product, with a full 12 Months Warranty and they may have linked the model to their product on this basis alone, 'Bespoke' Motor Car and 'Bespoke' Roller Blinds, it could be as simple as that!

I love seeing your '3-incher' Rolls-Royce models and desperately await some more, are there any more coming to this forum soon...please!

Best regards,
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Re: The Rolls-Royce Collection.

Post by ritchie »

Interesting Kevin, can you still find the website? I tried google for it but failed...

And actually I've posted some of my Silver Shadow II to the Superfast Casting #39 recently. Hope you like them!
