Had a result this week, and picked up what is without doubt the earliest Dinky I have ever owned. It's the 25 Series Type 1 Tanker, 25d, these were only made 1934 -35, however THIS one has the cab windows cast open at the rear, and behind the main cab side windows, these details were cast in very early in the run, so early that only plain red versions are known to exist, I have never seen one before, so to say I'm pleased to get one is an understatement!
Fatigue is very bad, and at some point it's suffered a grey repaint, but the correct shade of Red is there underneath.

Here he is with the other members of the Type 1 Club...

Interesting to note that there is no painting on the underside of the chassis, and that the normal injection rings are either a lot less pronounced, or not visible at all..

Probably only a handful of these left, I only know of two, this one and another repaint. Apart from the 22 Hornby Series which were lead so survive better, Dinky's don't get much older than this.
Chris Warr.