It looks like Numi now has hers to show us with a single decal still intact, proving Hardy's single know decaled variation. this makes me feel much better about it's already having been added to Nick's Guide. Good Show again sleuth Idris! kwakers
kwakers wrote:It looks like Numi now has hers to show us with a single decal still intact, proving Hardy's single know decaled variation. kwakers
@Kwakers,not every model that goes missing from the murky waters is my doing ha,ha............... but in this instant ure right !!
I will add some pics when i find the spare hrs.
One cannot do much with all the monies in this world but can do much more if he strives toward contentment.
As I said Numi, I now feel much better about this variation having been delivered with decals also. I was apparently the only one who saw Hardy's listed last year, so now yours has complied with 'Martin's Law' as a second we have found to officially add that variation. It is a very nice one indeed, but very rare, not just overlooked as Idris began to convince himself. Lesney variations always seems much more common when we find one for ourselves. I guess it is human nature. Great Work detective Numi! kwakers
kwakers wrote:...but very rare, not just overlooked as Idris began to convince himself...
Please remember that we have now seen three in three months. On that basis, I'm far from convinced that the adjective 'rare', let alone the phrase 'very rare', is really applicable.
kwakers wrote:...but very rare, not just overlooked as Idris began to convince himself...
Please remember that we have now seen three in three months. On that basis, I'm far from convinced that the adjective 'rare', let alone the phrase 'very rare', is really applicable.
Hi Idris,perhaps its too early to tell how common,htf or rare they could be.Time will tell and u could be somewhat correct in your early statement.I also suspect that these early castings were confined to the Uk and parts of Europe.
One cannot do much with all the monies in this world but can do much more if he strives toward contentment.