I can think of a dozen F & G boxes which are all amazing quality art that I treasure however if I could only keep 1 box forever it would be the G box for the #57 Caravan which beats the other favourites only because it was my childhood favourite box.All #15 VW F & G boxes are perfect and were next on my list!
As a King Size collector I have always thought the Slide "E" type box was the best. I don't know what it is about those slide boxes, but I can hardly pass one up with with out buying it. The coolest ever in my opinion.
Thank's too all for sharing very nice Boxes. For me in this order 48B C-type Box 26B C-type Box 34B C-type box and the last 50A C-type box and out of all I have listed I only have one of them 26B C-type Box. I have been looking for the others for about 2 years and the last couple of C-type boxes for the 50A I came across I got out bid on But the hunt goes on
jimgallegos wrote:I agree with you motorman. The box art is a collection in it's own. I have always wanted to set up a box display after visiting the home and viewing the displays Nigel Cooper has. His is the best box display I have ever seen. If he reads this, maybe some pics? One day I will try to copy his ideas.
I will try and put some more images on this site. I have shown some on the Ambassador reports.
Some great photos and comments here.
I love the catalogues and cardboard display cases. Reminds me of simpler time swooning through newsagent window trying to decide which one I'd part with my 3 shillings for.