kwakers wrote: I have found two of them at local Toy shows, and they both have the step above the bumper that was last produced, and they both also have the full tow guide. I believe we discussed the fact that this appeared to be a last short run base that was produced just before the Model was changed to Superfast. kwakers
Hi Dick
I have the reversed crosshatching on both models, without/with the full tow guide
I see Antonin now proves that this odd cross-hatching base existed even BEFORE the tow guide was added. I am now surprised it has taken so long for all of us collectors to notice these variations. Even the Great casting expert Mike Stannard had never seen either of these two base variations. That one without tow guide amazes me Antonin. I am sure it is very hard to find, my Telephone book 'Want List' now gets even longer .......Wow kwakers
im glad you guy talk about these variations...just won a mercedes truck with the cross hatch base...thanks Antonin and Dick!
also just received a mercedes truck with two guy and no bumper extension...better condition than my other one...too bad the little points are broken off on the tow guide
Please use a web hosting site (like photobucket) to store pictures so you can post them here, using attachments makes it hard to view the pictures when you have to scroll to see them. Seeing comparisons of models is hard to see with attachments too.
We all share in our learning here Brad. Even without it's points, that is a tough changeover variation to find that you just received. Before Antonin's picture, I would have argued against the mixed base crosshatching even existing without the tow guide. Now we know it exists, so the Forum has done it's magic once more. It now may be possible to find the mixed crosshatch base with guides but no license plate, OR, the mixed crosshatch base without guides but with the license plate extension. These odd variations could be super rare if ever found, but may not bring much added money because they are not seen when the models are on display. It is hard to see a beginning collector getting excited over 18 different variations of this Mercedes on a shelf. (Nick has 14 now listed, we pictured two more here to add, and can now suggest 2 others are possible for us to watch for) One of Tinman's colorful 'Customs' with cargo could out show a whole row of these stock variations. A collector must be very old to start thinking this way about our original models. I better go to bed now if I am thinking this way.........kwakers
There are very few models, made from '66 to '69, that I like or even give a second glance ... this one is near the top of that tiny list (if not at the top).
Tinman wrote:There are very few models, made from '66 to '69, that I like or even give a second glance ... this one is near the top of that tiny list (if not at the top).
Joe...this is my era...i really dont get crazy over the early ones...but thats cool...there are a few early ones i had and i put them in my era since i had them...i guess when i first got matchbox they had older ones that didnt sell...ive shown the pic of my 1965 christmas playing with the cars i received that christmas...anyway...i was thinking when this model was first talked about in this thread...its one of the boring ones...they had a few era...1 mercedes truck was one i never had as a kid though...but i like collecting them as boring as they are
Please use a web hosting site (like photobucket) to store pictures so you can post them here, using attachments makes it hard to view the pictures when you have to scroll to see them. Seeing comparisons of models is hard to see with attachments too.
Tinman wrote:There are very few models, made from '66 to '69, that I like or even give a second glance ... this one is near the top of that tiny list (if not at the top).
Joe...this is my era...i really dont get crazy over the early ones...but thats cool...there are a few early ones i had and i put them in my era since i had them...i guess when i first got matchbox they had older ones that didnt sell...ive shown the pic of my 1965 christmas playing with the cars i received that christmas...anyway...i was thinking when this model was first talked about in this thread...its one of the boring ones...they had a few era...1 mercedes truck was one i never had as a kid though...but i like collecting them as boring as they are
The same by me, I have received my first Matchbox approx. in 1962-1963 and started with my collection in 1964, the happiest years was by me 1965-1972.