#57 G-Box Eccles Caravan

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#57 G-Box Eccles Caravan

Post by Broughton »

I once checked my G-Boxes and noticed, that the #57B Eccles is the only one with red/pink number on the outer flap. All the numbers of my other boxes (80) are printed in black. Has anybody noticed this also?
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(Keep Them Freaks A Rollin')
Posts: 141
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Re: #57 G-Box Eccles Caravan

Post by Lrrp59 »

Hi Peter,

Thanks for checking on the 58 box.
As to the 57 box it appears all of mine have the red 57 in place of the normal black.
Guess they just decided to put the number on the red plate that day.

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Posts: 132
Joined: Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:54 pm
Location: between both sides of the road

Re: #57 G-Box Eccles Caravan

Post by Broughton »

Hi Jeff,

thank you for checking your boxes also! I think to collect preferably all 57B boxes because they might be the only ones wiith red lettering and in about 50 years worth hundreds or thousands of Dollars... :lol: :lol:

cheers Peter
(Keep Them Freaks A Rollin')