Search found 37 matches

by Thepowerofdreams
Sun Dec 10, 2017 8:41 pm
Forum: Corgi & Husky
Topic: 601 Batley Leofric Garage door replacement
Replies: 4
Views: 1818

Re: 601 Batley Leofric Garage door replacement

Whole mechanism consists of door plus 5 parts.
Effort vs. outcome by using a 3D print is not really balanced, I believe (unless I would already own one)

Looking forward to use existing parts, normally foreseen for other purpose...
Will post after being successful.
by Thepowerofdreams
Sat Dec 09, 2017 8:59 pm
Forum: Corgi & Husky
Topic: 601 Batley Leofric Garage door replacement
Replies: 4
Views: 1818

601 Batley Leofric Garage door replacement

I could get hold of a set of five "601" Batley Leofric garages.
Unfortunately, on 4 of them, the front door is missing.
To cut a door in the same dimensions from a suitable material is no problem - but to make it operational seems quite a challenge...
Any ideas?
by Thepowerofdreams
Wed Nov 29, 2017 5:20 pm
Forum: Tinman's Toybox the Restorations and Customs forum
Topic: Best material to replace a box'es worn blister
Replies: 4
Views: 1113

Best material to replace a box'es worn blister

what's the best material to replace the blister foil of an old Corgi Toys box?
Any experience?
Thanks in advance
by Thepowerofdreams
Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:16 pm
Forum: Corgi & Husky
Topic: Chevrolet Camaro Convertible
Replies: 1
Views: 1160

Chevrolet Camaro Convertible

Can one swap the seat backs from one car to the other without disassembly of the car?
by Thepowerofdreams
Tue Oct 03, 2017 4:14 pm
Forum: Corgi & Husky
Topic: Batmobile yellow / blue window box
Replies: 0
Views: 1226

Batmobile yellow / blue window box

Decided to give some of my Batmobiles a new home, using "homebrew" boxes in the blue / yellow window box style.
Can someone supply me with the outer dimensions of this box type?
by Thepowerofdreams
Tue Sep 26, 2017 5:45 pm
Forum: Corgi & Husky
Topic: Spares for Centurion and Tiger tanks
Replies: 1
Views: 654

Spares for Centurion and Tiger tanks

Hello, I am posting this on behalf of a German collector with focus on military Corgi Toys. He does own Tiger and Centurion tanks, branded with 20660/73 on the bottom. For these he needs tracks, cannon caps and antennas. I have recognized that there are tracks and caps available from the known sourc...
by Thepowerofdreams
Sat Apr 01, 2017 3:21 pm
Forum: Corgi & Husky
Topic: Corgi 471 "Joe's diner" vs. "patates frites"
Replies: 9
Views: 3087

Re: Corgi 471 "Joe's diner" vs. "patates frites"

When looking at the various pictures you can find in the net, as far as it concerns the Joe's interior - it appears to me that the accessories like the cashbox in the rear and what might be a coffee machine in the front are obviously existing in different colour tones. (kind of bronze instead of sil...
by Thepowerofdreams
Fri Mar 31, 2017 7:22 am
Forum: Corgi & Husky
Topic: Corgi 471 "Joe's diner" vs. "patates frites"
Replies: 9
Views: 3087

Corgi 471 "Joe's diner" vs. "patates frites"

I got a 471 smith*s karrier van snack bar car with it's side flap missing.
How can one distinguish whether it's the regular Joe's diner or the Belgium export model (under the condition of the missing flap)?
Thanks in advance
by Thepowerofdreams
Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:39 pm
Forum: The Marketplace
Topic: Wanted: Canoe etc. for Corgi GS10 Gift Set
Replies: 2
Views: 595

Re: Wanted: Canoe etc. for Corgi GS10 Gift Set

PM received - will try - thanks for the tip!
by Thepowerofdreams
Thu Sep 08, 2016 2:26 pm
Forum: The Marketplace
Topic: Wanted: Canoe etc. for Corgi GS10 Gift Set
Replies: 2
Views: 595

Wanted: Canoe etc. for Corgi GS10 Gift Set

I would like to complete a Corgi GS 10 Gift set.

Therefore I am looking for two canoes, it's driver, paddle and a roof carrier as well.

Someone has it left and is willing to sell?

Best regards
