Search found 5 matches
- Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:34 pm
- Forum: "Look at what I just got"
- Topic: Recent finds
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1003
Re: Recent finds Here's a couple of better shots , plus a plastic copy I picked up a few years back. Cheers, ...
- Wed Jul 12, 2017 12:26 am
- Forum: "Look at what I just got"
- Topic: Recent finds
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1003
- Sun Jul 09, 2017 9:31 pm
- Forum: "Look at what I just got"
- Topic: Recent finds
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1003
Recent finds
Good evening, Photobucket is being even more of a pain than usual,so this photo may not show up. These are my recent finds The 3 smaller plastics cars are a Austin 1100 and Hillman Imp which are both Triang Minix, The tiny Ford Cla...
- Fri Sep 04, 2015 6:30 pm
- Forum: The Lounge
- Topic: A warm welcome to the VBD forum
- Replies: 216
- Views: 156894
Re: A warm welcome to the VBD forum
Hi everyone, I am returning to collecting diecast models after a break of about 5 years. Between 2000 and 2006 I collected in the region of 2000 models and posted frequently on MCCH. I am completely out of touch with everything Matchox, Hot Wheels , Majorette etc have released over the last few year...
- Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:50 pm
- Forum: European & far-east made toys
- Topic: My 1st post, recent finds
- Replies: 7
- Views: 1997
My 1st post, recent finds
Hi, This my 1st post on this site, I used to be quite regular on MCCH but I all but stopped collecting diecast a couple of years back. Anyway here's 2 very recent finds a Guisval Renault 5 from a boot fair and Maisto Trabant found in a local charity shop. Will